The Making of a Therapist



In The Making of a Therapist, it was my goal to offer students and beginning therapists a personal account of the inner journey and some of the conceptual learning involved in becoming an insightful and emotionally mature therapist. I focused especially on those things I wish someone had told me when I was beginning my training. The Making of a Therapist contains the practical advice, common-sense wisdom, and self-disclosure that practicing professionals have found to be the most helpful during their own training.

“Dr. Cozolino’s The Making of a Therapist conveys clearly his familiarity with the struggles and anxieties of therapists-in- training. With great sensitivity and appropriate humor, Cozolino addresses many of these concerns. His clear writing style and candor make this a text that will be greatly appreciated by students and their instructors.”

— Faith M. Mclure, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, California State University, San Bernadino

"As I close Cozolino's book I feel like I am saying goodbye and thank-you to someone I knew. I think it should be mandatory reading for new therapists, but I have a feeling I will be returning to it throughout my career. No counselor is too seasoned to be reminded of the essentials that he discussed in this book."

— Graduate student of John Kukor, EdD LMHC St. John's University

Carly Samuelson